The Working Visa work is all done for you!
In order for foreigners to legally work in China (in any profession, not just language teaching), they will need a Z-visa (work visa). Z-visas are legal permits stuck in your passport which give you permission to work with a language company or state school here in China.
Only language schools and state schools licenced by the SAFEA (State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs) are allowed to hire foreign teachers, and this licence to employ foreign teachers is no easy thing to apply for. Schools less than 12 months old are not permitted to apply.All the 300+ schools New Bridge Global Talent Network works witht are licenced by the SAFEAwithout exception.
One of the reasons why New Bridge Global Talent Network is so well trusted by teachers is becauseallof our partner schools organise and arrange all of the necessary visa work for you, leaving you to let the experts take care of everything for you quickly and efficiently.
In order to qualify for a Z-visa and the Foreign Experts Certificate (FEC) in China, TEFL teachers must usually meet the following criteria:
. Be a native-speaker i.e. from the UK and Ireland, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa.
. Have a university degree (we do have a few job options for non-degree holders)
. Have some form of teaching certificate
. Be aged 23-55 years old
In a number of cities, more than one or two year’s relevant ESL experience is also required.
All working visa applications are fully taken care of by the admin staff of schools here in China. You can get on with teaching and planning good classes safe in the knowledge that all the visa stuff gets dealt with for you by experienced and professional local staff. You are in the best hands possible anywhere.